home organizing services — thoughtful,collaborative, tough love.


    $99 / HOUR
    3, 4, and 5 hour sessions available.

    Whether you are ready to experience the life-changing magic of tidying up your whole surroundings or just want to start by organizing your closet or kitchen; together, we can make it happen — one session at a time.


    $2,500 for 6 sessions ($272 savings)

    The most impactful way to quickly reach your ideal lifestyle goals. During a Tidying Marathon, we will organize your entire home, category by category, in this order:
    1. Clothing
    2. Books
    3. Paper
    4. Komono (Bath, Hobbies)
    5. Komono (Kitchen)
    6. Sentimental Items

    *Each session is 5 hours except the paper category which is a 3 hour session. $99 for each additional in person hour.


    3-hour virtual sessions are available.

    Whether you are ready for a full tidying marathon or just want to organize your closet or kitchen, I will guide you through the process of organizing your home, one session at a time.

  • Tidying Marathon -- Virtual

    $1,250 to organize your entire home in 6 sessions ($172 savings)

    The most impactful way to quickly reach your ideal lifestyle goals. During a Ttdying Marathon, we will organize your entire home, category by category, in this order:
    1. Clothing
    2. Books
    3. Paper
    4. Komono (Bath, Hobbies)
    5. Komono (Kitchen)
    6. Sentimental Items

    *Each virtual session is 3 hours. $79 per additional virtual hour.

classroom organization

  • Colleen will present the KonMari Method of tidying up in a 2-hour presentation and workshop for individuals or a group. A virtual or in-person session is available.

  • Presentation, workshop, and individual teacher tidying and inspirations sessions are available per hour or at a bulk rate.